FoxPro X24 Game Call
The FOXPRO X24 is a powerful and compact unit that features a positional Xtreme High Definition (XHD) speaker. The XHD speaker is a horn speaker with an added tweeter for improved frequency response. The XHD speaker system allows for extreme volume capabilities and realistic sound clarity. The X24's handle folds out into a positional stand to provide elevation over various terrains that you might encounter. There is 1 external speaker jack if you desire even more volume, an auxiliary jack to connect an approved device such as a Jack Predator Decoy, and a charge jack. The X24 comes with 100 high-quality FOXPRO sounds and over 100 sounds from FOXPRO's Free Sound Library, with the ability to store and access up to 1000 sounds. The X24 comes complete with a lithium battery and charger kit in the box! The TX-1000 features a full color graphic LCD screen, which displays your sound list or sound categories. It also has a barometer indicator, moon phase indicator, temperature indicator, battery level indicator, timer or time clock, FOXBANG technology and much more. FOXMotion allows you to fade the sound from the left speakers to the right speakers to help "sell" the reality of your call sounds. FOXCast allows you to play a pre-set custom sequence to include your favorite sounds, volume levels, and even pauses. FOXData allows you to record real time information from each and every stand so you can access the data for future reference. The X24 is backed by a 5 year limited warranty and FOXPRO's unmatched customer support and is proudly made in the USA.
Feature Highlights
FOXBANG Automatically maps your caller to a predetermined setting after discharging your firearm. (See instruction manual for FOXBANG options.)
FOXMOTION Mimic moving prey by fading sound from left speaker to right one.
FOXDATA Activate FOXDATA and it records real time information (temp, barometer, moon phase, stand duration, shot time) from each stand. Over time you will be able to predict animal activity/hunting success based on hard data.
FOXCAST Virtually hands-free calling with FOXCAST sequence files.
AUTO VOLUME Automatically ramps up and modulates your volume.
X24 Digital Game Call
Table showing specifications related to the game call. The features are listed vertically in the left column and the corresponding values are shown in the right column.
Dimensions 8.25" x 11.5" x 10.5"
Weight 5.00 lbs.
Speakers (1) Horn speaker
(1) Tweeter
Manual Operation No
Play Modes Single, Jukebox, Repeat
Charge Jack Yes
External Speaker Jack(s) (1) 3.5mm
Auxiliary Device Jack (1) 3.5mm
User Reprogrammable Yes
USB Port USB 2.0 A/B
Sound Capacity 1,000 (Comes with 100, plus over 100 additional sounds from FOXPRO's Free Sound Library)
Internal Memory 16GB
File Compatability MP3, WAV, FXP and 24B (24B playback)
Power (lithium kit included)
Run Time 3-7 Hours1
Released September 2019
TX1000 Transmitter
Table showing specifications related to transmitter. The features are listed vertically in the left column and the corresponding values are shown in the right column.
Operating Distance >300 yards under ideal conditions3
Industry leading remote control range
Dimensions 3.18" x 1.17" x 8.78"
Favorites/Presets 50
Sound List View Categories, Single List
Lanyard Loop Yes
Illuminated Buttons Yes
USB Port mini-USB
Power 3AA Batteries (Not Included)
1 Run times vary depending upon volume level, number of speakers being used (including external), temperature, and sound density. FOXPRO recommends the use of a high-capacity rechargeable lithium battery pack (included with this item) for the best overall performance. Please note that alkaline cells are not recommended for use in temperatures below 32°F/0°C.
3 Optimal range is had by ensuring clear line-of-sight between the game call and transmitter and elevating the game call off of the ground approximately 3 feet. Your results may vary.
1 | X24 | |
1 | Lithium Battery and Charger | ![]() |
100 | Premium FOXPRO SoundsPreinstalled on unit at factory. If ordering direct, you can pick out the 100 sounds. Otherwise, you will receive a standard selection. | ![]() |
100 plus | FREE FOXPRO SoundsPreinstalled on unit at factory. | ![]() |
1 | TX1000 Transmitter | ![]() |
1 | Product Manual | |
1 | Warranty Registration Form |
Factory Sound List
Position | Sound Name | Sound ID |
000 | Coyote Yips | 101 |
001 | Coyote Group Yip Howls | C25 |
002 | Yipping Coyotes | C32 |
003 | Male Coyote Howls | C34 |
004 | Coyote Female Sore Howls | C40 |
005 | Female Coyote Deep Howls | C29 |
006 | Male Coyote Long Howl 1 | C33 |
007 | Female Coyote Bark Howls | C15 |
008 | Coyote Pair | C26 |
009 | Female Coyote Long Howls 1 | C19 |
010 | Female Coyote Long Howls 2 | C20 |
011 | Female Coyote Challenge | C24 |
012 | Female Yodel Howl | C28 |
013 | Coyote Male Barks | C30 |
014 | Coyote Pair Yip Howls | C31 |
015 | Female Coyote Challenge Barks | C23 |
016 | Coyote Male Challenge Scream | 185 |
017 | Troubled Coyote | 103 |
018 | Fem Coyote Sub | C35 |
019 | Female Coyote Whimpers | C17 |
020 | Coyote Pup Screams | C22 |
021 | Coyote Pup Distress 3 | C27 |
022 | Gray Fox Distress | 224 |
023 | Scream-N Gray Fox | 226 |
024 | Platinum Grey Fox Pup | C85 |
025 | Baby Red Fox Distress 1 | C75 |
026 | Red Fox Distress | 227 |
027 | Red Fox Pups | C79 |
028 | Red Fox Rally | 221 |
029 | Mt. Lion In Heat | 370 |
030 | Mt. Lion Whistle | 373 |
031 | Lone Wolf | 320 |
032 | Wolf Pair Howl | 324 |
033 | Aggressive Bobcat | 380 |
034 | Canine Pups 1 | C00 |
035 | Canine Pups 2 | C01 |
036 | Baying Hounds | C03 |
037 | Kitten Cries | F00 |
038 | Kitten Distress 2 | F02 |
039 | Lightning Jack | L00 |
040 | Jackrabbit Distress | 233 |
041 | White Tailed Jack | L11 |
042 | Devil Hare | L10 |
043 | Eastern Cottontail | L57 |
044 | Bay Bee Cottontail 2 | L64 |
045 | Adult Cottontail | L55 |
046 | Cagie Cottontail | L58 |
047 | Lil Rabbit | L53 |
048 | CF Cottontail | L56 |
049 | Lils Cottontail | L59 |
050 | Snow Shoe High Pitch | L06 |
051 | Snow Shoe 1 | L03 |
052 | Raspy Woodpecker | B00 |
053 | Weep-N Woodpecker | B01 |
054 | Woodpecker | B09 |
055 | Hairy Woodpecker 2 | B06 |
056 | Finch Distress | B70 |
057 | Wood Ducklings | B78 |
058 | Cranky Male Cardinal | B84 |
059 | Blue Jay Distress | B75 |
060 | Titmouse Tantrum | B85 |
061 | Nutty Nuthatch | B86 |
062 | Ranting Red Bird | B87 |
063 | Lucky Bird | 290 |
064 | Flying Squirrel Distress | R02 |
065 | Vole Squeaks | R07 |
066 | Field Mouse Distress | R10 |
067 | Rodent Distress | 249 |
068 | Prairie Dog Distress | 247 |
069 | Groundhog Distress | 242 |
070 | Guinea Pig 2 | R01 |
071 | Baby Porcupine | N50 |
072 | Distressed Calf | M07 |
073 | Lost Sheep | 258 |
074 | Baby Pig Distress | H03 |
075 | Juvenile Pig Dist | H04 |
076 | Lil Piggy | H20 |
077 | Kid Goat Cries 2 | M00 |
078 | Whitetail Yng Dst | D06 |
079 | Whitetail Buck Fawn 2 | D02 |
080 | Antelope Fawn Cry | D55 |
081 | Elk Calf Distress | D30 |
082 | Bear Cub Distress 1 | 253 |
083 | Crow Fight | 270 |
084 | Dying Crow | 275 |
085 | Crow & Hawk Fight | 276 |
086 | Crows | 280 |
087 | Crows 2 | B52 |
088 | Magpies | B50 |
089 | Raven Flock | 533 |
090 | Raccoon Fight | N02 |
091 | Twittering Raccoon | N03 |
092 | Young Raccoon Distress | N04 |
093 | Raccoon Pup | N07 |
094 | Raccoon Puppies | N08 |
095 | Elk Chuckle | D31 |
096 | Elk Calves | 404 |
097 | Bugle-M-In | D32 |
098 | Courting Bugles | D34 |
099 | Moose Grunts | D45 |
100 | F_Cals Fed Siren | 160 |
101 | F_Siren 2 | 161 |
102 | AM Coyote Yips and Whimpers | 659 |
103 | F_Coyote Lonesome Howl | 189 |
104 | F_Female Invitation 2 | 188 |
105 | F_Coyote Hurt Pup | 179 |
106 | F_Interrogation Howl | 187 |
107 | F_Coyote KIYI | 218 |
108 | F_Coyote Male Challenge | 212 |
109 | F_Coyote Pup Distress 1 | 209 |
110 | F_Female Invitation 2 | 188 |
111 | F_Interrogation Howl | 187 |
112 | F_Lone Howl | 186 |
113 | F_MM Adult KiYi | 560 |
114 | F_MM Coyote Bark Growls | 553 |
115 | F_MM Coyote Barks | 554 |
116 | F_MM Coyote Challenge | 555 |
117 | F_MM Coyote Challenge Howl | 556 |
118 | F_MM Coyote Growls | 557 |
119 | F_MM Coyote Pup Howl | 552 |
120 | F_MM Dog Brawl | 558 |
121 | F_MM Passive Coyote Howl | 551 |
122 | F_MM Young KiYi | 559 |
123 | MM Coyote Cries | 584 |
124 | MM Coyote Pup Dist | 585 |
125 | MM Coyote Pup Howl 2 | 586 |
126 | MM Coyote Whimpers 2 | 588 |
127 | MM Coyote Whimpers | 587 |
128 | MM Red Fox Barks | 591 |
129 | MM Red Fox Gekkering | 592 |
130 | MM Red Fox Howl | 593 |
131 | MM Red Fox Squall | 594 |
132 | MM Vixen Mating | 595 |
133 | MM Vixen | 596 |
134 | F_Bobcat in Heat | 230 |
135 | F_MM Cottontail Distress | 565 |
136 | F_MM Jackrabbit Distress | 566 |
137 | F_MM Pileated Woodpecker | 569 |
138 | F_Chirping Coaxer | 515 |
139 | F_Crazy Critter | 120 |
140 | F_Fox Whistle | 519 |
141 | F_Freaky Squeaks | 518 |
142 | F_High Freq Squeak | 517 |
143 | F_Javelinas Demise | 121 |
144 | F_Kiss of Death | 250 |
145 | F_Luscious Lips | 516 |
146 | F_Mouse Squeaker | 514 |
147 | F_Squirrel Barks | 501 |
148 | F_MM Barn Cat Distress | 564 |
149 | F_MM Hurt N Hog | 568 |
150 | F_MM Kittens | 563 |
151 | F_MM Lamb Distress | 567 |
152 | MM Lamb and Sheep | 589 |
153 | MM Lamb Distress 2 | 590 |
154 | AM Bugles | 658 |
155 | AM Cow Calf 2 | 651 |
156 | F_MM Raccoon Fight | 562 |
157 | AM Cow Calf | 650 |
158 | AM Estrus Cow Calf | 653 |
159 | AM Long Range Locator | 654 |
160 | AM Small Bull with Big Bull | 657 |
161 | AM Spike with Estrus Cow | 656 |
162 | AM Spike with Estrus Cow | 656 |
163 | F_Antler Rattling | 201 |
164 | F_Buck Fight | 200 |
165 | F_Buck Grunts | 202 |
166 | F_Buck Snort Whz | 205 |
167 | F_Doe Estrous Bleat | 203 |
168 | F_Doe Estrus Bleats | 415 |
169 | F_Elk Calf | 402 |
170 | F_Elk Estrous | 401 |
171 | F_Hyper Moose Cow | 196 |
172 | F_Light Sparring | 199 |
173 | Mature Buck Grunts | 416 |
174 | F_MM Buck Roar | 578 |
175 | F_MM Mature Buck Grunt | 577 |
176 | F_MM Moose Calf 1 | 570 |
177 | F_MM Moose Calf 2 | 571 |
178 | F_MM Tending Grunt Finish | 576 |
179 | F_MM Tending Grunt | 575 |
180 | F_MM Young Buck Grunt | 574 |
181 | F_Moose Bull | 191 |
182 | F_Moose Cow 3 | 194 |
183 | F_Moose Cow 1 | 263 |
184 | F_Moose OOH-WAH | 262 |
185 | F_Moose Rattling | 264 |
186 | F_Moose Thrashing | 190 |
187 | F_Moose Urinating | 192 |
188 | Rattle | 421 |
189 | Rutting Buck | 418 |
190 | Snort Wheeze 2 | 420 |
191 | Snort Wheeze | 419 |
192 | F_Tending Grunt | 204 |
193 | The Chase | 422 |
194 | Young Buck Grunts | 417 |
195 | MM Breeding Sequence | 579 |
196 | MM Buck Grunting | 580 |
197 | MM Doe Bleats | 581 |
198 | MM Frustrated Buck | 582 |
199 | MM Mat Buck Grunts | 583 |
200 | F_MM Baby Raccoon Distress | 561 |
201 | F_MM Raccoon Fight | 562 |
202 | F_MM Lone Wolf | 550 |
203 | F_Crow+Owl Fight | 277 |
204 | F_MM Crow Distress | 572 |
205 | F_MM Crows | 573 |
206 | F_Ugly Crow | 273 |
207 | F_Barred Owl | 282 |
208 | F_Excited Hen Yelps | 450 |
209 | F_Fighting Purrs | 455 |
210 | F_Flydown Cackle | 288 |
211 | F_KEE KEE | 287 |
212 | F_Lost Hen | 286 |
213 | F_Raspy Hen Yelps | 452 |
214 | F_Tree Yelps | 453 |
215 | F_Turkey Cuts | 454 |
216 | F_Turkey Purrs | 289 |
217 | F_Young Hen Yelps | 451 |
218 | F_Blue Winged Teal | 140 |
219 | F_Canada Geese Large Flock | 132 |
220 | F_Can Gse Cmbck 1 | 304 |
221 | F_Can Gse Cmbck 2 | 305 |
222 | F_Can Gse Cmbck 3 | 306 |
223 | F_Can Gse Lydwn 1 | 309 |
224 | F_Can Gse Lydwn 2 | 310 |
225 | F_Can Gse Lydwn 3 | 312 |
226 | F_Can Gse Lydwn 4 | 313 |
227 | F_Gadwall | 141 |
228 | F_Green Wing Teal | 315 |
229 | F_Mallard Chatter | 142 |
230 | F_Mallard Comeback | 143 |
231 | F_Mallard Drake | 144 |
232 | F_Mallard Feed Call | 145 |
233 | F_Mallard Greeting | 146 |
234 | F_Pinteal Whistle | 314 |
235 | F_Snow Goose Dbl | 303 |
236 | F_Snow Goose Hail | 302 |
237 | F_Snow Goose Single | 299 |
238 | F_Snow Gs Lrg Flock | 301 |
239 | F_Snw Goose Sml Flk | 147 |
240 | F_Spckl Belly Clkng | 148 |
241 | F_Spckle Bel Cmbck | 317 |
242 | F_Spckle Bel Greet | 318 |
243 | F_Widgeon | 316 |
244 | F_Wood Duck Squeal | 149 |
245 | F_Wood Duck Whine | 150 |
246 | Help | PS1 |