Hoyt Alpha AX-2 SD HBX SD RH Tomstone

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Hoyt Alpha AX-2 SD HBX SD RH  Tombstone





310*fps (ATA)

29 1/2"axle-to-axle


6"brace height

23-27"draw length

30-70#draw weight



New for 2025, our premier RX-9 and Alpha AX-2 are available in draw lengths down to 23 inches to fit serious bowhunters with shorter draw lengths. The all-new HBXSD cam is designed for optimal performance in draw lengths from 23” to 27” and can be adjusted in half-inch increments across its draw length range. If you’ve been frustrated with the lack of premier bows available in your draw length, these bows are here to put a smile on your face and meat in your freezer.




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