WoodHaven Custom Calls Red Wasp Diaphragm Turkey Mouth Call Model# WH013

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New WoodHaven Custom Calls Red Wasp Mouth Call

Simply The Best In Custom Calls

WoodHaven's mouth calls are some of the finest on the market. Each call is made with premium tape, adhesive lined locking frame and only the best latex reed materials. Every call is checked for precise reed thickness, set by hand, pressed and cut to shape and then kept cool until ready for shipping.

This is our #1 selling mouth call! Combining a red latex V-cut latex reed over 2 clear thin prophylactic bottom reeds, the Red Wasp is very raspy and bold like an old hen. Great for raspy cutts and yelps.


  • #1 Selling Mouth Call
  • Very Raspy and Bold like an old Hen
  • Model# WH013